Holding Court: Powercast

Holding Court: Erika J. Kendrick

The JustUs Junkie sits down with her old friend, Erika J. Kendrick, to discuss her work around mental illness awareness, the police, the military and her book series, "Who Moved My Happy." For Erika's books or for booking, contact her at XOErika.com

Holding Court: Dwayne Bryant

The JustUs Junkie, Attorney April Preyar, sits down with Dwayne Bryant, author of "The Stop"

Know Your Rights Videos

For the most recent videos and television segments featuring Attorney Preyar, subscribe to her YouTube channel.

Five Steps for Domestic Violence Victims to Make Your Voice Heard

This video is very important for domestic violence victims, and those trying to get them to safety. The justice system can be very intimidating, but often it is the only way to get help, get out, and stay alive. Here are 5 tips to make your voice heard in the justice system.

Three Reasons to Stick Around for Jury Duty

When that jury duty notice comes, most of us groan and start thinking of ways to get out of it. But we NEED YOU in that courtroom! Here's why showing up and showing out at jury duty is so important. WATCH. SHARE. SHUT UP. LAWYER UP.

Two Things to Know Before You Go to a Protest

Even in the cold, people are taking to the streets to make their voices heard. Here are two tips that will help you fight the good fight from OUTSIDE the jail. SHARE. SHUT UP. LAWYER UP. www.justusjunkie.com Main image: The Trauma Center Campaign led by the one and only Tweak G who also lent the music for this.

Resisting Arrest

A lot of people have asked me about resisting arrest: What is it? Can you legally resist a bogus arrest? It's complicated, but let's dig in! Share. SHUT UP. LAWYER UP.

Four Financial Activities to Stay Away From

The holidays are coming up, and we all have friends tempting us with the get-money-quick schemes. Here are 4 activities you should stay away from to stay out of jail.

5 things to know before riding in someone else's car

So you're "hangin' out the passenger side of your best friend's ride" and she gets pulled over. If you think you're off the hook because you're not driving, you definitely need to watch this video!

Four ways the police are legally allowed to enter your home

We were taught as kids not to open the door for strangers. This advice still applies as adults, especially when it's the police knocking! Here are 4 ways the police are allowed to legally enter your home. Watch. Share. Shut up! Lawyer up!

Five lies the police can LEGALLY tell you

Too many people get caught up in the system because they don't know police officers are allowed to lie to you! Share to save someone from a prison sentence.

Four things not to do when stopped by the police

You’re walking down the street and a police officer stops you. Whether you’re completely innocent, guilty, or somewhere in between I need you to listen up!

Four things not to post on social media

We all get a little carried away online from time to time, but could your posts get you carried away in handcuffs??

Group accountability: A message from the JustUs Junkie

Are you willing to get caught up in your friends' mess because they decided to commit a crime?? It's called group accountability, and you & your teen need to know about it.

Four Things to consider before calling 911 for a mental health crisis

Last year *one quarter* of fatal shootings by police involved mental illness. Watch this video before you call 911 on a loved one in having a mental health crisis.

Myth Busting: Juvenile Interrogations

It's time to play True or False & bust some myths about juvenile Interrogation! How many can you & your child get right?

Five Tips for LEGAL gun owners in Illinois

For ILLINOIS LEGAL gun owners only. Five tips for keeping your license and OUT of jail.

'Know Your Rights' videos edited and produced by Christina Pillsbury